If you are having trouble launching Flippin' Misfits, we have some troubleshooting steps for you to try.
1. Ensure Flippin' Misfits is up to date
Downloads and updates can be managed via Steam's Download Manager, found by clicking "Downloads" at the bottom of the Steam client. From here you can track the progress of your downloads, schedule updates, re-order your update queue and see which updates have been completed.
2. Ensure Windows is up to date
More information about how to update Windows can be found here.
3. Ensure DirectX is up to date
More information about how to update DirectX can be found here.
4. Ensure that your audio/video drivers are up to date
More information about how to update your audio/video drivers can be found here.
5. Ensure that Flippin' Misfits isn't being blocked by Windows firewall
If you are on a shared network (such as university Wi-Fi) it's possible their firewall may be blocking your connection.
- Additionally, attempting to disable any proxies you have may also help with your connection. More information about this can be found here.
6. Verify Game Files
Instructions on how to verify your game files on Steam and Epic Games Store can be found here.
7. Uninstall Oculus Software
If you have the Oculus App or any Oculus software installed on your PC, please uninstall it in order to get the game running.
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